تحميل FireTorrent للويندوز مجانا (اخر اصدار برابط مباشر)

تحميل FireTorrent للويندوز مجانا (اخر اصدار برابط مباشر), باللغة الإنجليزية ومن فئة الإنترنت ويعمل على أجهزة الويندوز.

Download from Bittorrent from your Firefox browser, الإشهار Bittorrent is currently one of the most used P2P protocols. This success is for a great part thanks to the high download speed it offers and, above all, the non-existent waiting lines to download a file (what usually happens with Emule, for example). FireTorrent is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox browser with which you will be able to download any file of the Bittorrent network without the need to install any P2P client to manage this type of transfers, which is a big advantage for those of you who do not want to overcharge your system with too much applications running at the same time.It perfectly integrates with the browser, up to the point where you will not notice that it’s installed until you download a Bittorrent file. In that case, you will see how the Bittorrent downloads are not that different from the normal ones at first sight because FireTorrent uses the same download window as the original browser, creating a new tab for Bittorrent. This way, and summing up the included options not very different from the ones of any Bittorrent client, we can say that FireTorrent is an essential extension for those who often use Bittorrent and Firefox.

التقييم [MR_Rating_Post]
نظام التشغيل Windows
الحجم 412.68KB
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تاريخ التحديث 2024-09-16
الترخيص مجاناً
عدد مرات التحميل (275 تنزيل)

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